Organisational transformation that’s refreshingly human

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Big no longer beats small.
It’s the fast that beat the slow.

Organisations everywhere are scrambling to keep up as the world around them becomes faster and more uncertain. And yet, their brightest people are drowning in meetings and emails. They know they need to change, but don’t know how.

Doing the same things only faster doesn’t work. People burn out and the organisation still feels on the back-foot. Others believe RACIs, more processes, and committees are the silver bullet. But this just adds to the complexity that exists already.

The truth is, people are naturally agile and adaptive but more often than not the organisation gets in their way. A big part of organisational change is stripping layers of bureaucracy away to set talent free.

We make profound organisational change feel easier, faster and refreshingly human.

Our Approach

Strangers can’t be changers

Even the smartest people can’t change an organisation by shouting from afar. The most profound change starts with fewer people working closer together, more openly. This is why we started Kindred, why we stay small and how we make a real difference.

Meet you where you are

There is no blueprint. No rule book. The trick is to get the balance right between people skills and systems thinking. Our back pockets are bursting with battle-tested frameworks and processes. But we always start small, simple and personal, choosing the right tools as we go.

Real teams, real work, real time

We work closely with the right people, on real work in real time to remove obstacles, simplify decision-making and set people free. We coach individuals, co-create new processes and change culture – gradually and collaboratively.

Dents, not decks

We don’t spend energy on presentations, we spend it with you inside your company. We help teams and organisations make small behaviour changes that have a big impact.

Our Work

We kickstart teams

Bringing teams together to create focus, clarity, cohesion & buckets of energy.

We coach leaders

Helping leaders to reflect on deeply held assumptions & explore new perspectives.

We rethink the system

Adapting existing structures & processes to the changing needs of the organisation.

We build capacity

Handing over the torch to a group of people, who we equip to lead the charge.

We codify the approach

Translating the most impactful techniques into spreadable principles & practices.

We ignite movements

Designing movements of people, to scale transformation across the organisation.

Our impact

We can start with culture, teams or a business priority – it’s all connected. One philosophy working at different levels, with a varying toolset.

By starting small and working together closely, change comes faster and is less disruptive and overwhelming. The impact compounds as lessons and systems are expanded to other teams; initially, small changes become profound shifts in culture and output.

Want to learn more?

What our clients say

Meet the Team

We are a small but perfectly formed team. Kindred was founded by the two of us, and together we have over 25 years of experience working in and consulting for some of the biggest and most complex organisations in the world. We pride ourselves on bringing this experience to bear on your organisation first-hand.

Joe Turner

Joe has spent his career transforming global organisations to enable them to thrive in the 21st century. Joe’s ability to inspire a feeling of possibility in everyone around him, combined with a keen strategic eye, make him an invaluable advisor to the organisations we work with. An accomplished coach, strategist and facilitator, Joe has partnered with senior leaders across PepsiCo, Airbus, Chanel, GE and American Express to lead their business transformation.

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Hannah Thornton

Having spent the first 7 years of her career at Tesco,  Hannah brings a first hand experience of the challenges in corporate systems and culture. Since then, she has been working with teams and senior leaders across Aerospace & Defence, Beauty, Retail and Pharmaceuticals, to help tackle these challenges. Hannah’s innate curiosity, energy and down to earth nature not only create strong relationships quickly, but also make her a naturally adept coach.

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Our experience