
Igniting a culture transformation across 80,000 employees.


Help Intercorp to re-design 35 complex organisations, so that they can continue to lead the market.


Launched Intercorp’s culture transformation and developed the skills, tools and roadmap to scale new ways of working across the group.


As the largest conglomerate in Peru, Intercorp has spent the past two decades expanding across sectors and become a leading name in the market. However, as the world has evolved and changed, particularly with more digitally enabled competitors entering the market, Intercorp has started to feel the weight of many of its traditionally structured organisations.

In response to these pressures, Intercorp’s Innovation lab – La Victoria – has spent the last few years running an accelerator programme, experimenting with radical ideas that would take Intercorp to the next frontier. Through the accelerator, they have instilled new ways of working into a number of discrete ‘beacon project’ teams that have been working on game changing digital products and services.

The challenge they have faced is taking these new learnings back into the organisation and connecting the new ways of working to the realities of the 35 different businesses.


Our approach

Rather than simply planning for an extensive roll-out, we first worked with the La Victoria team to codify the new ways of working into simple practices that leaders and teams could apply in their day to day.

We tested them throughout the organisation to gauge which practices would stick with employees, which would have most impact on the businesses and critically, create excitement for this new approach among the teams.

Based on our learnings we were able to develop a set of practices and roll out approach that was iterative and tailored to specific needs of the 35 businesses.

We brought Kindred in at a critical inflection point in Intercorp’s transformation journey. They helped us get unstuck by unpacking a set of complex challenges into a set of bite-sized organisational interventions that worked together as a system.

Organisation Design & Change Leader

What did we do?

On our first trip to Lima we facilitated a two week design sprint with the team at La Victoria, where we codified and tested a set of new mindsets and behaviours. We also co-created an engagement model to take these new mindsets and behaviours across the organisations.

Following this intense design sprint, we returned to help the Lab launch the new transformation programme. We initiated and subsequently coached a “new ways of working” team within La Victoria, who we equipped to support teams across the organisation adopt a new approach. We then made it happen; working with the team of coaches to engage teams across the organisation, helping them adopt the new mindsets and behaviours.

The outcome

The community of coaches we set up grew a movement of advocates across the business, leading to a huge amount of demand for the new ways of working.

As a result of this movement and coaching, teams saw some fantastic results:

Launching a new digital service for their Fintech company, increasing annual revenues by 5%
Redesigning the online experience for a leading Retailer, improving customer satisfaction and increasing their market share

What’s next?

The La Victoria Lab team are busy riding the wave of the movement we created, engaging teams across the 35 businesses and continuing to scale the new ways of working.